Getting Started

Settings up Configs

  1. First of all navigate to packages/web/.env , packages/server/.env and packages/importer/.envand set your own firebase regarding configurations.
  2. Then go to packages/server/config.js (this is firebase service account which uses the admin sdk you can get it from your project settings -> service account -> generate new private key -> you will get a downloaded file -> copy it's content and paste it to the config.js inside the module.exports

GRAPHQL_URL_STAGING and GRAPHQL_URL_PRODUCTION will be needed for server deployment. You will get those urls after deployment. Check deployment section for further details.

First make sure you have set all the config like Google MAP API KEY, Firebase Config.

GOOGLE_API_KEYis google map api key you will get it from here

GRAPHQL_URL_LOCAL= http://localhost:4000

GRAPHQL_URL_STAGING=http://localhost:5001/headless-graphql/us-central1/api (optional to run in local dev)
GRAPHQL_URL_PRODUCTION= you will get it once you deploy your app into firebase (optional to run in local dev)


For Firebase configs you need to create a fiebase app with firestore database. and you can get the config from there

If you have setup these then you can run the below command in the root folder to start the project.

yarn start

Then web server will run in localhost:3000 and graphql playground will run on localhost:4000/playground

Navigate to localhost:3000 in the browser to see the site.

For data check import demo data section

results matching ""

    No results matching ""