Import Demo Data

We have provided our demo data for customer testing purpose. To import demo data you have to configure few things.

Configure the Importer

If you check our folder structure then you will see there a folder named importer in packages folder. In the root folderpackages/importer/packages/importer/headless-graphql-firebase-config.json

file is your firebase config json. Please download your firebase json from firebase console and rename it to headless-graphql-firebase-config.json

Check the below image for sample config file


  1. Make sure that you put your own firebase regarding config to .envfile.
  2. Also make sure you change the code in the packages/importer/packages.json file. In the sync script you have to change headless-graphql with your project name. Check the below image.

After configuring this you can import demo data. For that you have to run the below command in the packages/importer folder.

yarn sync

results matching ""

    No results matching ""