WPML Configuration

Our plugin fully support wpml. The instructions are given below.

Note: For using our plugin with WPML plugin you must have to follow the first two step.

If you want full search page translation then you have to follow all the steps below.

Step 1:

Translate the page where you have used your builder shortcode.

Setp 2:

You have to translate the the post types which you are going to search in the search page. Suppose you want to build a search page using the product post type then you have translate this post type. You can find the option for translating the post type in the following menu WPML->Translation management

in that page follow the images below:

Now scroll down to the custom post type section:

in these section selec your custom post type to translate and then click the save button.

Now scroll to the custom taxonomies section

Now go to the 2nd step.

Step 3:

In the following menu you will get the option to translate you taxonomies. See WPML documnetation for further wpml taxonomies translation issue.

Step 4:

Now translate all of your post.See WPML documnetation for further information about translating posts.

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