
  • Install Node JS
  • Install npm
  • Install yarn
  • Install Packages & Dependencies
  • yarn <cmd> (required monorepo command see below)

MateAdmin is based on Create React App, It would be better if you can check their Website

too. There are lot of tricks that can help your app, like API connection, Deployment etc.

Installing Node & NPM:

To work with MateAdmin the first thing you need is to have Node install on your system. To make sure you have already Node js installed on your system you may follow the below instructions :-

As Node will make sure you have node and npm commands are available via command line, just run the below command on your terminal

node -v

npm -v

On successful installation, it will print out the respective versions. make sure you have al the latest stable version install to get better performance.

Note that if you find the npm version less than 5.0.0 you need to update it to the latest version using the below command. you may need to use sudo to grant permission

npm install npm@latest -g


sudo npm install npm@latest -g

Installing YARN:

You will need to Install Yarn for the Fast, Reliable, and Secure Dependency Management. Before you start using Yarn, you'll first need to install it on your system. And to make sure it running on your system with latest version run the below command

yarn -version


yarn -v

On successful installation, it will print out the version.

Installing Packages & Dependencies:

After Installing Yarn, now open the MateAdmin app in your terminal. Now at your terminal In the root directory of MateAdmin app just run


it will download all the necessary packages and dependencies in the node_modules folder.

yarn start:

Now to start the MateAdmin app all you need to do is to run the below command in you terminal root directory of the MateAdmin app.

yarn start:mate-admin

after the compiled process completed successfully, it will show the below success commands & redirect to the http://localhost:3000/ of your browser where you will find the login screen of the MateAdmin app.

If you want to run this mateAdmin in production, Then follow the below settings :

yarn build:

To create an Optimized Product Build of the Mate admin app. you will need need to do is to run the below command in you terminal root directory of the MateAdmin app.

yarn build:mate-admin

after sometime when it build the production version successfully you will be notified via the terminal.

To run other packages see below commands:

  "scripts": {
    "clean": "lerna clean --yes && rimraf node_modules",
    "clean:build": "lerna exec -- rimraf \"{.next,dist,out,build,.docz,.cache, public}\"",
    "start:mate-admin": "yarn workspace @mate/admin run start",
    "start:mate-boilerplate": "yarn workspace @mate/boilerplate run start",
    "start:mate-servers": "yarn workspace @mate/servers run start",
    "build:mate-admin": "yarn workspace @mate/admin run build",
    "build:mate-boilerplate": "yarn workspace @mate/boilerplate run build",
    "build:mate-servers": "yarn workspace @mate/servers run build",
    "serve:mate-admin": "yarn workspace @mate/admin run serve",
    "serve:mate-boilerplate": "yarn workspace @mate/boilerplate run serve",
    "serve:mate-servers": "yarn workspace @mate/servers run serve"

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