Flask JWT

In the root folder you will get a folder named servers in the servers folder you will get a folder named flask . The structure of the folder is below

Here You can see the folder the structure where the app.py is the file where all the routes are defined and in the resources.py file the functionality of the routes.

To start the server run the below command

FLASK_APP=app.py FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run --port=9000

It will run the server in the localhost port 9000

We have the below routes

api.add_resource(resources.UserLogin, '/api/login')
api.add_resource(resources.TokenRefresh, '/refresh')
# Secret Route
api.add_resource(resources.SecretResource, '/api/secret/test')

Login route generate the token.

To modify how you want your user to get their token modify the below function in the resources.py

class UserLogin(Resource):
    def post(self):
        data = parser.parse_args()
        # Just add any model and you can then check database User
        # current_user = UserModel.find_by_username(data['username'])
        # static user
        current_user = {
            'username': '[email protected]',
            'password': 'demodemo'

        if not current_user:
            return {'message': 'User {} doesn\'t exist'.format(data['username'])}

        if data['username'] == current_user['username'] and data['password'] == current_user['password']:
            access_token = create_access_token(identity=data['username'])
            return {
                'token': access_token,
            return {'message': 'Wrong credentials'}

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