Spark JWT Implementation

Server Side

In this section we will show you how to implement JSON Web Token (JWT) using Spark java framework.

To implement the framework you have to download Eclipse or IntelliJ . Here implementation is done by Eclipse.

First, Open the isomorphic-servers folder in your favorite editor. where you will find the below folder structure

You can see we have provided and extra servers/spark folder where we have implemented our Spark JWT Authentication.

Docker Implementation

You can directly run it on docker. For that go to isomorphic-servers/spark location in terminal and write following codes

    docker build -t isoserver .         
    docker run -d -p 9000:9000 isoserver

IdE Implementations

To Run the Server follow the below steps,

i) Open your IdE(Here Eclipse. Go to File->Open Projects File From File Systems and select isomorphic-servers/spark location.

ii) In your editor you will see the project

iii) At last run the application

ok, now our server is running successfully at 9000 port,

Lets see what's inside the server folder & what's happening there:

From the above snap you can see that theres a src/main/javafolder where all the Java classes are kept.

The Application class holds all the routes

   public static void main(String[] args) {
        before("/api/secret/*", Filters.checkAuthentication);

        get(Path.Web.INTRO, (request, response) -> {
            return "Isomorphic Spark Jwt Implementation";
        // set up login routes
        post(Path.Web.LOGIN, Users.serveLoginPage);
        // set up routes
        post(Path.Api.TEST, Api.demoTest);

        // set up blank routes
        get("*", ViewUtil.notFound);

        // set up after-filters (called after each get/post)
        after("*", Filters.addHeaders);

A basic routing api app is given in Api class(java/api/

    public static Route demoTest = (Request request, Response response) -> {
        Map<String, String> model = new HashMap<>();
        model.put("message", "succcesful");
        return ViewUtil.testResponse(request, response, model);


The User (java/User), JWTToken(java/util/JWTToken) and Filter(java/util/Filter) classes are used for authorizing and generating data

The dependencies are kept in pom.xml

For more Spark integration see Spark documentation and tutorials

Client Side

For the client part if you are already familiar with our Isomorphic codebase than all you have to do is to check the below file,

isomorphic-servers/src/helpers/jwtAuthentication.js file,

where you can find the necessary client side coding,

you can also check the,


where we have done the reducer & saga related code for the jwt authentication.

If you are not familiar with the Isomorphic codebase than we suggest you to check our previous section of this documentation.

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